Plot Summary: In the country of Gazth-Sonika, civil war rages. There, a mercenary called Madlax plies her trade, with almost supernatural skill. In the seemingly peaceful country of Nafrece, Margaret Burton lives a tranquil life.
As separate as their lives may seem, the two are connected by ties of mystery, and by a holy book that is also sought by the shadowy organisation, Anfan. As Margaret and Madlax follow the path of their destiny, they come ever closer to uncovering the truth – with no guarantee that it is a truth they can bear to learn. is a great site to watch anime Madlax, SUB online. You can also watch Madlax in HD or SD quality.
Overview: Plot Summary: In the country of Gazth-Sonika, civil war rages. There, a mercenary called Madlax plies her trade, with almost supernatural skill. In the seemingly peaceful country of Nafrece, Margaret Burton lives a tranquil life.
As separate as their lives may seem, the two are connected by ties of mystery, and by a holy book that is also sought by the shadowy organisation, Anfan. As Margaret and Madlax follow the path of their destiny, they come ever closer to uncovering the truth – with no guarantee that it is a truth they can bear to learn.
Other names: マドラックス
Language: Subbed
Episodes: 26 / 26
Views: 3,175
Last Added: 2009-12-31 16:00:00
Release Year: 2004 is a great site to watch anime Madlax, SUB online. You can also watch Madlax in HD or SD quality.